Creative Energy with the TAURUS Moon: the comfort that calls us into our life

When the moon is in earthy, sensual, take-your-time Taurus, we can feel resistance to change we didn't initiate. 

And yet once we get going with this creative energy, we find we are all-in, in-rhythm, loyal to seeing it through or come to life.

We may feel a sweet contentedness in what IS, what is beautiful to enjoy, make  or care for… what is sensual, natural and real in our skin and  environment. 

What we Value.
What really Matters. 

We remember that pleasure is not a sin but a gift, and a deliciously simple one at that.

There is always deep appreciation to be expressed, acknowledged, given more light. With or without words is wonderful.

There is comfort that draws and calls us IN, to come on over... and stay awhile.

It is a perfect time to go outside, take in and BE with the abundance of nature, vibrating, Alive with Spirit, of us, in us, and calling for our redemption.

To care for our resources (within and out). 

To plant some seeds, prep the soil, bask in the breeze and warmth that we don't make happen, that doesn’t need excessive handling, and that holds a key we often forget to our blessed humanness. 

Or... to just do what needs to be done today, in the fertile territory of our practical living and relating, at whatever pace our creative energy is moving us organically.

Get it done.
Let it be.
Be with it. 

Love it as it is… and enjoy.
Whatever IT is for you, in this holy embodiment.

These Lunar Creative Energy posts are short+sweet notes of encouraging focus tips, and in no way comprehensive of each sign’s creative imprint spectrum or the moon’s symbolism.

You carry all 12 zodiac sign archetypes in a unique combination and way, with a calling to be wholly You in your living experience and relationships. Your birth chart offers custom guidance and light - like a love letter from Creator/Source on the day you were born - for navigating, nourishing and realizing your needs, possibilities, and the love you were born to give and allow yourself to receive. Astrology doesn't predict the future - it invites you consciously into helping co-create it with your unique energetic imprint. Creative Practice can help you tap into what this *feels* like for you specifically.

Learn about your whole birth chart and innate creative energy in my comprehensive self-paced Astrology + Creative Practice program IN THE STARS.


Creative Energy with the GEMINI Moon: keeping the channels open, inquisitive, curious and playful


Creative Energy with the ARIES Moon: dare to go there