Creative Energy with the GEMINI Moon: keeping the channels open, inquisitive, curious and playful

Transmissions and messages come through our conversations, exchanges, senses, perceptions and expressions of play...  and their integrational meaning relies on our openness to engage and seek without rigid agenda.

To capture the connections being made just long enough to receive, bless, and release the continuance of their flow, fresh and new for having moved through you. It's swift and electric, this creative energy symbolized by a Gemini Moon. 

The natural energy of Gemini points to the part of us that loves to gather and arrange, to explore sides and edges and intricacies within, to pick up on the cacophony of experimental harmonies in life, in art, within, without. 

This face of creativity shines brightest when we take it all in without too much seriousness or thinking we have it figured out, or even ever could... keeping the channels open to Spirit, inquisitive  and lively. Refreshingly Mischievous. On a quest for what's Real in the ordinary real of sacred day-to-day.

AND it invites us to remove any noise or distractions, or that which feels scattered or anxious or causes us to fray at the edges, burnt out, jacked up on too much caffeine, information, whatever. 

To practice curiosity WITH focus. 

Storytelling WITH equal parts listening - and allowing story to form new expressions… or even fall away within honest new context and relevant revelation. 

To let your beliefs expand and your questions keep coming. 

To observe all the ways love transmits and trust shape-shifts, and to pay love+trust forward with your attention and invitations. 

To remember that both/and is infinitely more {em}powering than either/or in this holy land of living paradox.

This moontime is a rich creative energy to Make with your hands, ping-pong ideas, brighten heartminds with humor and wit, or otherwise sing the sacred song of interconnection in fresh, true-to-all-sides-of-you ways.

These Lunar Creative Energy posts are short+sweet notes of encouraging focus tips, and in no way comprehensive of each sign’s creative imprint spectrum or the moon’s symbolism.

You carry all 12 zodiac sign archetypes in a unique combination and way, with a calling to be wholly You in your living experience and relationships. Your birth chart offers custom guidance and light - like a love letter from Creator/Source on the day you were born - for navigating, nourishing and realizing your needs, possibilities, and the love you were born to give and allow yourself to receive. Astrology doesn't predict the future - it invites you consciously into helping co-create it with your unique energetic imprint. Creative Practice can help you tap into what this *feels* like for you specifically.

Learn about your whole birth chart and innate creative energy in my comprehensive Astrology + Creative Practice program IN THE STARS, now self-paced with immediate access.


Creative Energy with the CANCER Moon: hold, heal, Mother and flow


Creative Energy with the TAURUS Moon: the comfort that calls us into our life