FREE guide: how to take your Creative Practice out in nature for an art date

If you have ever wanted to take your Creative Practice outside, or haven’t done it in awhile, or just felt curious about it when I shared some of my favorite supplies and tips for making art outside last month… then this 16 page colorful guide may be just the spark your Creative Practice needs.

Taking a sketchbook, art journal or painting out in nature for a simple art date is such good medicine for the soul - even if you never actually pull your art supplies out of your bag once you get to your location.

But if you do - and I hope you will - you will find your senses and curiosity amplified, your approaches to your practice challenged or nudged in just the right ways, and your creative heart can fill up with inspiration to take home with you to explore later.

Art heals. And so does being in nature.

With the right approach, the combination can be a perfect relief for the stressors, anxiety and overwhelm of day-to-day life, too.

It’s one of my very favorite ways to decompress, or to percolate on decisions I’m navigating without actually (over)thinking about them.

So I put together this guide to share with you, in case you are popping by and it is just what you need as well right now.

And if you don’t know what the heck you need to feel your creative energy or zest for life again, give this a try. It just might do the trick. Communing with nature is funny like that, I find. She knows what we need, and she holds us so well.

So much of keeping a Creative Practice is really a practice in presence, a practice in relating, a way of slowing down and meditating or dwelling in the life that IS (ours).

Here’s a bit more about this 16 page colorful guide…

Creative Practice in Place

Creating outdoors, you can leave all perfectionism behind, rest+play in the exploration of your curiosity, and experiment with how you might visually express what you see and feel in communion with nature’s beauty.

This free guide offers encouragement & tips for preparing and taking your art-making out “in the field” of nature, filling your creative well there, and bringing back home what you discover and notice for further exploration. It includes a peek at one of my nature-art-dates.

No previous art or plein-air experience necessary.
You were born to create and connect with nature!

So my friends, are you curious?

Rather then make you subscribe to my Creative Practice Notes (though I hope you will subscribe), you can download this baby from the archives with a click on the button below:

I hope this short guide+invitation will inspire you to revive, try or begin a simple and regular art-making date with Mother Nature herself.

I find that creative time with nature - away from screens, lists, noise and the usual distractions, expectations and obligations of life - can help us remember who we are in our dynamic, inspired wholeness, as well as (re)activate our awareness of our innate interconnection to the miracle and cycles of Life and Creation.

If you’d like to learn, connect and create with me and other creatives and artists, check out my current offerings and courses - I’d love to have you join us!


a way to get un-stuck and finish a painting (video) | Something from the Studio 14


FREE online Creative Retreat weekend: Make Create Express