Join Me for Soul Shine: A FREE Creative Practice Reflection Collection

UPDATE: SOULShine is now available RIGHT HERE as a downloadable workbook (PDF) to enjoy on your device or printout for your practice with the audio reflections.

I have a new offering to inspire your written, visual or art journaling practice, beginning this Thursday, October 12 over at my new class site. Hundreds of kindred creatives have signed up already (thanks, loves - fills my heart!).

Soul Shine is not so much a course, as it is 14 days of short musings and prompts to inspire you to get consciously curious about the nature of your psyche and intuition, and let your soul's truth shine in your creative practice... and maybe even a bit more in how you direct & share your creative energy in life, expression and relationship.

So, if you incline toward the soulful, self-inquisitive and inner landscapes of discovery, this may be for you.

Basically, I have been immersed this year in sharing, digging and exploring some of the instincts, motivations and archetypal energies we all share (and express uniquely) with participants in my program In The Stars.

These are represented by the planetary placements in the astrological symbolic language... and it is an endlessly fascinating and meaningful tool as we all learn how to be better humans... more ourselves and more loving toward one another, appreciative of our differences, and inter-connected to one another AND something simply mysterious and infused with Creative Spirit.

So I'm putting together this smaller creative practice offering for my readers and subscribers this year, inspired by the wisdom of what the ancient and dynamic tool of astrology has to share, and yet without all the astro-speak to distract us from the essence of what is most helpful and inspiring for a short dip into practical soul exploration and celebration.

And, as I said over on Facebook last week... here's the thing, something of my WHY behind offering this... we all need a few moments of centering and connecting with a little beauty or inner stillness + truth right now. Like, DAILY. This world is in a crazy, ugly state... and we've got to be the best version of our selves we can be to show up in it as part of creating a new way, a new connective energy. We've got to keep our lenses clean so that we can continue to see the beauty, what matters, what helps. We can't be our best selves in connection unless we know who we are, really - all the grit, grime and glorious gifts. When we get real and clear about that, we truly begin to shine as caring individuals, contributing to a better us in this wild human family.

If you've followed along with the Full Moon audio musings this year, you can expect the daily musings and prompts to be somewhat similar to those. Mostly audio. Short. Hopefully totally DO-able and meaningful. You can take as long as you like with the collection once you start (and after they're all released at the site).

Hope to connect with you in Soul Shine!

Oh - and please do share, if you know some other creative souls that might enjoy this offering. Thanks!


In The Stars 2018: Early-Bird Registration Is Open


Full Moon in Aries: Musings for Soulful Creatives