encircle the chaos {contemplative paintings}





connection Is.

uncertainty, too.

chaos unsettles and life encircles her ways into beauty so simple, so healing, so beyond us

we might just miss it, if we try too hard

to keep it as it was

or get it just right.


these four simple contemplative paintings are straight from an intuitive practice I kept on the side this summer - for some of those days when the world felt a little too unsettling and demanding, and I needed a simple place to land and find form + direction for my feelings to lift.

some days are for letting the chaos and uncertainty flow fast and free. some are for encircling it with the slow-down rhythms of breathe, love and be.

Each original handmade mandala painting is 9”x9” acrylic and ink on acid-free paper, ready to be framed. The gold is a lovely metallic paint, and has a warm shimmer in the light.


Easy Art Journal Cover Demo Video (Something from the Studio)


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