Creative Energy with the SCORPIO Moon: choosing power with depth

When the Moon is in the fixed, mysterious sign of Scorpio, creative energy can be... INTENSE... with all-the-feelings moving through us with depth + passion. 

There can be obsession with whatever pulls you in, and focus on what is hidden, "dark" or conventionally taboo. 

The unknown is magnetic.

It is a time rich for holding space for difficult + brave honesty… AND for play and loving acceptance. For doing research before jumping to conclusions or down abysmal rabbit holes better left alone.

How can you connect with someone you trust, who is not afraid of the mess of you or life, but who is not willing to let you lose sight of the light, joy and laughter either?

Release your unique perspective and passionate energy into your Creative Practice and safe relationships. 

A little healthy mischief is good bonding medicine, too.

How can you embrace power WITH (rather than power over)?
What role does manipulation play in your dynamics and exchanges? 

What can you honor as you lay it to rest?

There is bountiful healing germinating, beneath patterns of fearful protection and control. Let the light in. Let the water flow. Let the truth+mystery be and do it's organic revealing.

Connect with your inner circle AND your needs for healthy boundaries of solitude and regeneration.

Be aware of suspicion, secretiveness, or over-analyzing what you think others meant or were *really* thinking.

Know your archetypes... and choose your True Self.

Accept + integrate your shadow weaknesses as authentic for true growing, strength, intimacy and owning your innate Wholeness in each cycle of rebirth and rising.

These Lunar Creative Energy posts are short+sweet notes of encouraging focus tips, and in no way comprehensive of each sign’s creative imprint spectrum or the moon’s symbolism.

You carry all 12 zodiac sign archetypes in a unique combination and way, with a calling to be wholly You in your living experience and relationships. Your birth chart offers custom guidance and light - like a love letter from Creator/Source on the day you were born - for navigating, nourishing and realizing your needs, possibilities, and the love you were born to give and allow yourself to receive. Astrology doesn't predict the future - it invites you consciously into helping co-create it with your unique energetic imprint. Creative Practice can help you tap into what this *feels* like for you specifically.

Learn about your whole birth chart and innate creative energy in my comprehensive self-paced Astrology + Creative Practice program IN THE STARS.


Creative Energy with the SAGITTARIUS Moon: the quest for joy and the fire of belief


Creative Energy with the LIBRA Moon: partnering with aesthetic, harmony and right relationship