Art Journal - where's your yellow, plus inspiration for art journaling

I've got art journaling news to share with you, but first, let's talk about... yellow. Oh, how I have such a moody relationship with this color. I don't exactly dislike it - though I used to. Quite strongly, I might add. But it can make me uncomfortable when there's a lot of it. (not in nature so much, just in ways we use it)

It is one of my favorite accent colors - or a final color for just a touch here and just a touch there to make things pop. But not more than a hint or highlight on most days.

Occasionally though, I am mysteriously drawn to it in a different way, and will move it around generously on the painting or page... only to become completely perplexed at why I ever chose that color to begin with, or what the hell to do with the loud mess now.

Because yellow is bold. In your face. She can't be denied.

Interestingly, it is a color that offers different energies to different people - sometimes positive and cheery, other times foreboding, unwelcoming or like a megaphone demanding attention or action.

Lately, I've been using more yellow than usual - it's where my spontaneous response is leading me. Like in the spread above from earlier this summer. I'm curious about this in a new way lately.

I used to often abandon pages where yellow took over, whereas now I'm spending a little more time listening and seeing it through. I can't say I'm in love with the color, or that I get it, but there is something it wants me to explore or learn. That, I feel.

And then, just a few days ago, in the Summer Miracle prompts over on Instagram, photographer Henry Lohmeyer says this about Yellow:

Every time I think about color, and I think about it often believe it or not, I think about yellow. I think about how, even in its lightness, it commands such strength. I envy its presence and its unapologetic way of standing out. Where's your yellow?

Now that resonates for me. That feels like something to work with, to invite in, to build relationship with. To celebrate and learn from.

OK - enough about me. I am curious, though - is there a color like this for you?

Waiting on the inspiration opportunity I mentioned for your art journaling practice?

Well, today is the day that I get to share with you the fantastically inspiring teachers I scouted out and have been working with behind the scenes to help bring you the 21 SECRETS Fall 2015 edition!

There is so much heart and talent in this group that, I have to be honest, it is sometimes really hard to keep my mouth shut about it all along the way.

Do you see those beautiful faces? Recognize a few? Eeeeee!

Nothing fills my heart up more than getting to work with artists and art-makers, experienced professionals and new explorers alike. And this group is sure to inspire and spark your art journaling practice!

Oh yeah - Registration to work with these amazing artists in 21 SECRETS Fall 2015 opens today - with a super limited-time Early Bird bonus you won't want to miss!

So head over to meet the teachers and learn about the fantastic workshops they've been cooking up (plus the early-bird bonus).

Thank you for all the ways you support artists and creativity in your life (even if you're the artist!). It matters. It touches lives and feeds the beautiful river of creative energy that is hydration and hope for us all.

Also - if you're looking for a little creative connection and reflection to hold you over until 21 SECRETS releases, RELATE is a small group offering that begins in less than two weeks, lasts just 21 days, and I'd love to have you join us.


twenty minute studies and a blog break


All About Relationship : A Call to Circle Up for Creative Practice