an art journaling interview with some of my story + thoughts on living a creative practice (video)

art journal snapshotI was so excited to be invited to be interviewed to talk about art journaling and my creative practice - my history with it, how I view it, favorite supplies, and what I would share with those who are making a practice of it.

You may remember that I interviewed Kiala Givehand a few weeks ago for the Holistic Creative Chats. Well, this time, she flipped the roles on me and interviewed me for her How To Art Journal series.

We had such a fun time connecting - and you can listen to our interview below or over on youtube. It makes a great talk to put on while you're working in your pages or studio, or if you're looking for some inspiration for your practice.



Hope you enjoy - and be sure to connect with Kiala HERE - she is putting so much goodness out into the world!








art practice moon magic: new moon in virgo


24 ways of loving color, color, color in your art journal!