AEDM 16-20 :: flying times

So much is happening all around, everywhere, for everyone, in my own life, in your life, in our communities, in the world around us.... things are changing. All the time. Time truly is flying by and through us, a matter-less concept we are tethered to; a moving tool of measurement we have been gifted with for perspective and awareness. Time has been a whirlwind for me the past few weeks - a dusty swirl around me that has overwhelmed me with this feeling of ... not enough. Not enough time. Not enough visibility ahead of me. Not enough getting done. Not enough focus. Not enough of me to go around in it all.

But the Me that is aware of these feelings reminds me, gently, that these are just perceptions and feelings. Reminds me that it is enough. Whatever "it" is - it is enough. Today. Whatever I can offer. Just this. and then... just this.

As part of my AEDM commitment, and despite the busyness of daily life as we try to get through our household job loss this month - I dived into a little project I've been putting off for months and months. A little project I really needed to do as part of my personal momentum in creative devotion and progress: writing the About Me section for this blog. 

(So if you're one of the 183 people that looked for it before I got around to it, I hope you've come back! And thank you for your patience.)

It was like putting off going to the dentist somehow. But I did it. And I feel pretty good about it - it ended much better than I'd worked it up to be in my mind. It will change as I change, and as this space changes, of course. But for now, it is enough.

If you'd like to check it out, click the image below:

11-16-11 & 11-17-11. About Me section for blog.

I also managed to finish that piece I've been working on for DEEP. It is part of my week 3 work, and we're now heading into week 5. But that's ok. I even spent sometime making a video - which is becoming a part of my process that I really enjoy as I reflect upon these intuitive art pieces. There is something strangely informative and assuring about seeing one's self move through time in the creation of something.

It's a piece that folds in on itself, so the images don't do it much justice on their own...

11-18-11. a creation story, outside panels, unfolded
a creation story, inside panels, unfolded

I posted the video (which I made on 11-19-11) in the post just before this one.

I also started to prep some digital mandalas, for an etsy shop, with backgrounds and final touches. This wasn't exactly my first choice for activities that day, but it helped me feel like I was moving toward my goal of getting these out there in the world.

11-20-11. Petal passion.





Gratitude, from an Elder


a Creation story